A Cherished Memory

Four decades of inspirational memories and sharing the love of God: that's what your Singing Christmas Tree has meant to me and my wife. We have seen countless presentations over the many years and with each one have come to love the experience more. In our early 30's at the first production, who would have thought we would have seen this many more. Health issues would now suggest that this may be the last performance I will get to enjoy. But, rest "I Believe". I have for a long time known that life, in the end, is made up of a mosaic of memories. And to you goes my deepest appreciation for the many fond memories you have provided. Finally, My greatest thanks to all of you who were involved in this years production, to all those who preceded you and to all those who will succeed you in future presentations that glorify our Lord and Savior.

Chuck, Olympia, WA

Written in 2010


A Blessed Experience


A Family Tradition